Favorite Links



4 responses to “Favorite Links”

  1. Jim Hoffler Portsmouth Fire VA. Avatar
    Jim Hoffler Portsmouth Fire VA.

    Chief, ,We saw you at the Norfolk High Rise Ops class. FDIC is next week. We guys from Ptown would love to get up with you for dinner one evening if possible. Also, Please send me the high rise hose and nozzle information at the above email. Thanks, Jim Hoffler Portsmouth, Va FD.

  2. Jim Hoffler Portsmouth Fire VA. Avatar
    Jim Hoffler Portsmouth Fire VA.

    Chief, We saw you in Norfolk. Fdic is next week and we would love to have dinner with you if possible. Also, please send the high rise hose and nozzle info to [email protected], Thanks, Jim Hoffler PFD

  3. Capt Jeff Liversedge Avatar
    Capt Jeff Liversedge

    Hi Chief, we are interested in getting the hose straps for our new SOG configuration using the Denver load Hi-Rise system. Can I get a web site or phone number to get a quote? Thanks again for keeping the bar set high!

    1. McGrailFireOps Avatar

      [email protected] Brian Jenkinson

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