
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation “Everyone Comes Home”

Chief McGrail’s Keynote Speech at FDIC

Watch this at Fire Engineering (PennWell)
The History of the Denver Drill and Proper Techniques


2 responses to “Videos”

  1. John Enea Avatar
    John Enea

    Hi Chief,
    I was in your high rise class at Yoch Dehe Fire. It was a pleasure meeting you. Thanks for all the great information. We like the Denver packs. We used them on the high rise drill in downtown Sacramento. They worked Great.

    Be safe!

    John Enea

    1. McGrailFireOps Avatar

      Hello John. Thank you for the positive feedback John. It was great to meet you and the other firefighters in Yocha Dehe. Glad to hear the Denver Hose Packs are working out well. Take care. Your Brother in Denver, Dave McGrail.

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